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Preparing for CQC Inspection

We know and understand that you are always striving to improve the quality of care for your patients so we would carry out a pre-inspection or ‘Mock’ visit to ensure some of the following key areas are fully implemented:


• Are all patient records up to date with care plans reflecting the needs of the individual patients and evidence that the patient has been involved in developing their plan of care?

• Are your service premises clean and tidy with all records, equipment, products and medicines etc. managed and stored correctly?

• Do all documents, leaflets, posters etc. have the correct information and details about your service on them?

• Is all information on notice boards in public and staff areas relevant and up to date?

• Risks are managed effectively and there are two persons responsible

• Are you aware of complaints, significant events and audits that have happened in the past six months and what improvements have been made as a result of them?

• Are staff up to date with all their training?

• We will share key questions asked by the CQC

After the CQC Inspection

You will receive a draft report produced by the CQC. The report will include the rating of your service.

The report will highlight concerns and evidence about any breaches of the regulations found by the CQC in their inspection

You will have ten working days to review it. You can submit about factual inaccuracies and the completeness of the evidence on which the ratings are based.

• We will support you to respond to the identified areas of concerns and develop an effective action plan to show how we will address the concerns and the recommended improvements. We would collaborate with you to provide all the evidence for the CQC.

Special Measures

Our Specialty is helping and supporting healthcare providers OUT of Special Measures.

Providers will generally have 6 months to significantly improve and evidence the services they provide are no longer at risk to their patients.


• Our aim is to improve the service quickly for the benefit of patients using the service.

• We will prepare and provide evidence for the CQC the service you provide has significantly improved

• Deliver 'above & beyond' to ensure an increase in rating

• Provide a clear timeframe within to deliver on the improvements


Tougher regulations from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) call on Compliance Solution Specialists to work extensively with health and care services. We ensure that not only are regulations being met but the standards of practice are as high as possible to create an environment where patient care and patient safety is exemplary.


Mobile: 07557 342216

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