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To Whom It May Concern


Our practice was rated inadequate in 2 areas following an inspection by the CQC in November 2017.


Vinny Patel has been a tremendous help in guiding our practice to meet the CQC's compliance requirements.


Vinny Patel contacted us via an email and when we had a meeting with him, we were impressed with his positive encouragement to face CQC inspection.


We brought Vinny in after our 3-month remedial measure visit was completed as we were told we would have a full comprehensive visit in May.


By providing the relevant documents, Vinny has guided the practice so that our Surgery is fully prepared for the next CQC inspection.  He has updated risk log registers, practice policies, patient group directions, staff training policies with a staff induction folder and a locum induction folder.   He produced mandatory laminated flyers and posters, which also consists of our Surgery's Business Continuity Plan and Statement of Purpose.  Vinny designed our practice letterhead in professional layout and a logo.


Further refinements include a detailed folder for complaints, along with an annual review, which is of paramount importance to the conduct of our Surgery.


Vinny worked with the partners and produced the Practice Mission Statement and Practice Charter, including the Action Plan for the GP Patient National Survey, which addressed all the necessary actions.


We have been inspected on 24.5.18 and our rating has changed to good in all domains.


Personally, I would like to thank Vinny for being such a supportive individual.  I would strongly recommend any practice to approach Vinny, as a professional external consultant, in order to help them meet their respective CQC requirements.


As a team, we wish him the very best for his future endeavours.



On behalf of the Forty Willows Surgery




Dr Jude Mills, Dr Shivani Prasad & Dr Kathy Paul

Telephone: 02033763100





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Tougher regulations from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) call on Compliance Solution Specialists to work extensively with health and care services. We ensure that not only are regulations being met but the standards of practice are as high as possible to create an environment where patient care and patient safety is exemplary.


Mobile: 07557 342216

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