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To whom it may concern,


Our practice was experiencing some compliance and governance issues and the CQC had raised these concerns in our last inspection in June 2018. Our practice was rated as ‘Requires Improvements’ with Well-led rated inadequate.


We contacted Vinny Patel via email and telephone and scheduled a meeting at our practice to discuss where he can help and support our practice to address the concerns raised by the CQC.


He came across knowledgeable, experienced and knew exactly what he was talking about which encouraged us to go ahead and use his services to help us improve our CQC compliance.


Throughout the weeks, Vinny visited us at the practice delivering all the relevant documents to support the practice for its re-inspection. We were very impressed with the quality and the content of his documents ranging from colour laminated flyers, personalised policies where designed our letterhead and logo, practice documents, vulnerable patients registers, statement of purpose and much much more. He produced a detailed action plan using our latest report and he and his team delivered everything in it.


We, at Dr Kulshrestha’s Family Practice would like to thank Vinny and his team for their hard work and support throughout these past few months.


We, the partners want to wish Vinny and his team the ‘Very Best’ for the future.


Mrs Shahsi Kulshrestha

Dr Rajendra Kulshrestha

Dr Sheena Kulshrestha

Dr Kulshrestha’s Family Practice






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Tougher regulations from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) call on Compliance Solution Specialists to work extensively with health and care services. We ensure that not only are regulations being met but the standards of practice are as high as possible to create an environment where patient care and patient safety is exemplary.


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